Planinska koliba "Promaja" Skakavac

Planinska koliba "Promaja" Skakavac

Dragan and his son live in mountains, in front of the entrance to the protected area - Natural Monument Skakavac, which abounds in animals and medical plants. There is a forest which leads to the base of the waterfall Skakavac - 99m high. Don't be surprised if on arrival you hear song, guitar and Dragans and Zlatkos invitation: welcome!
Centralna Dragan Đerić 3 3 beds. 0 0-25KM 0-4
  • Region

    Central Bosnia
  • Village

  • Contact

    Dragan Đerić
    Mob.: +387 61 828 076
    Vića 4, 71000 
  • Prices

    Donuts (2 persons): 8 KM. Beans: 4 KM. Chowder: 3 KM. Tea, coffee: 1 KM. Domestic syrup (mint, savory, nettle, dandellion): 1,5 KM. Brandy (plum, pear, pine needles): 1,5 - 2 KM.
  • Type of accommodation

    Mountain Hut
  • Capacity

    3 beds.
  • Open

    Throughout all year.
  • Languages

  • Type of food

    Donuts, beans, chowder.
  • Services

  • Activities

    biciklplaninarenjesakupljanje plodovaigraliste