Mountain lodge Javorje

Mountain lodge Javorje

Perun near city of Vares is not so well known mountain, but for sure it is the mountain with great potential for tourism development. Perun is located between Vares and Bobovac and is one of the iconic places in the belief of ancient Slavs. On Perun is a mountain lodge Javorje which represents a holiday home to anyone who decides to visit them. The lodge is located at 1427 m n/v. Natural surroundings, friendly hosts, and local cuisine will certainly provide you with moments that will long be remembered. This mountain is often frequented by cyclists and motorcyclists, and is regularly visited by jeep racers on roads and trails that are ideal for adrenaline sports.
Centralna javorje.jpg Mountain lodge Javorje 48 48 10 0-25KM Over 10
  • Region

  • Village

  • Contact

    Mountain lodge Javorje - Perun, Vareš
    Muris Ajanović
    mob.: +387 61 708 438
    mob.: +387 64 41 52 777




  • Prices

    10 KM per person. Discount for members of the mountaineering association. More details at their place.
  • Type of accommodation

  • Capacity

    48 beds.
  • Open

    Throughout all year.
  • Languages

  • Type of food

    Traditional domestic food.
  • Services

  • Activities