Household of Šobić Ile and Milka

Household of Šobić Ile and Milka

The household has single and double rooms. Guests can use the services of bed and breakfast, half board or full board. The household can offer domestic products. For guests they organize excursions to the nature, fishing, hunting, rafting and visits to natural, cultural and historical monuments. Guests are offered to enjoy wireless internet and parking space.
Sjeverozapad (6).jpg Household of Šobić Ile and Milka 6 6 20 0-25KM 6-10
  • Region

  • Village

  • Contact

    Šobić Ile and Milka
    Pljeva bb
    +387 65 751 150
  • Prices

    20 KM with breakfast.
  • Type of accommodation

  • Capacity

    6 persons in three or two bed rooms.
  • Open

    Throughout all year.
  • Languages

  • Type of food

    Domestic food, and dishes a la carte.
  • Services

  • Activities