Ethno house Miljevići

Ethno house Miljevići

Ethno houses Miljevici are located at three kilometers from the Sipovo center in place called Lubovo, completely surrounded by forest ambience with beautiful creek and three pure drinking water. To our guests we offer several days holiday with the traditional cooking of this region. In the complex we offer to our guests space for camping, which includes electricity, toilets and hot water. The area is designed for enjoying the natural setting with all the conditions for a pleasant stay and Ethno houses with four-bed, triple or double occupancy. Gastronomic specialties that are prepared in the Ethno houses Miljevici are truly enjoyable. The house specialty is trout that are grown in our own pond of Ethno houses Miljevici and dairy products from the our dairy factory. Arriving to Lubovo, the old ethno village, you will find many interesting tourist attractions. 
Sjeverozapad (1).jpg Miljevići 10 10 20 0-25KM 6-10
  • Region

  • Village

  • Contact

    Ethno houses Miljevići
    Lubovo bb
    Republika Srpska
    70270 BiH

    +387 (0) 65 931 254
    +387 (0) 65 360 569
    +387 (0) 65 731 862
  • Prices

    Singleroom - 20 KM, Halfboard - 40 KM, Fullboard - 50 KM. Please contact the owner for more details.
  • Type of accommodation

    Ethno Village
  • Capacity

    Ethno houses with four-bed, triple or double occupancy.
  • Open

    Throughout all year.
  • Languages

  • Type of food

    Fish, diary products, domestic specialties.
  • Services

  • Activities