B&B Radovic

B&B Radovic

Rural household and B&B Radovic is a small accommodation unit in the village of Popov Most, in the National Park Sutjeska.
In addition to accommodation and food, this family offers trips and visits to nearby tourist attractions in the National Park Sutjeska. It is the largest and oldest national park in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It covers an area of Sutjeska with natural reserve Perućica, and partially surrounding mountains - Maglic, Volujak, Vucevo and Zelengora. Strict Nature Reserve Perućica is the best preserved primeval forest in Europe.

Istok http://alterural.ba/uploads/smjestaj/radovic_naslov.jpg B&B Radovic 10 10 20 0-25KM 6-10
  • Region

  • Village

    Popov Most
  • Contact

    Mira Radović
    Popov Most, 73311 Tjentište
    Tel.: +387 65 276 824
    Tel.: +387 65 916 554
    email: mira_radovic@yahoo.com
    web: radovicsutjeska.freshcreator.com
  • Prices

    20 KM for night per person. See more details on their website.
  • Type of accommodation

  • Capacity

    4 triple bed rooms, shared kitchen, bathroom, living room.
  • Open

    Throughout all year.
  • Languages

  • Type of food

    Selfcatering, domestic food.
  • Services

  • Activities